Photo of people enjoying wine around a fire

Bota Box

By entering the Bota Box website, you confirm that you are of legal drinking age in your country of residence.

So Sustainable

The Original Environmentally-Friendly Box

Animated GIF of rotating recycle logo

100% Recyclable Boxes

Less Landfill Waste

Animated GIF of recycle truck and 96% stat
Animated GIF of carbon footprint

Lower Carbon Footprint

Better with Bota

Animated GIF of FSC Logo and trees

How to Recycle Your Bota Box Like a Pro

Step One Graphic: Pop the top and pull out the bag and spout
Step One Graphic: Pop the top and pull out the bag and spout
Step Two Graphic: Enjoy a glass, pour yourself the last bit of wine
Step Two Graphic: Enjoy a glass, pour yourself the last bit of wine
Step Three Graphic: Toss it out, throw away your empty bag in the trash
Step Three Graphic: Toss it out, throw away your empty bag in the trash
Step Four Graphic: Flatten box, show off your recycling skills
Step Four Graphic: Flatten box, show off your recycling skills

*In California, bag-in-box containers may also be redeemed for CRV; for more details, see: